Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Top 10 Reasons to Walk

Top 10 Reasons to Walk

  1. If you have a chronic medical condition or recovering from injuries it is important to check with your doctor.  Don't assume that you aren't able to start exercise walking if you do have medical issues. Exercise walking can help control disease progression and relieve symptoms in people with cardiovascular disease and diabetes, and many people with arthritis or other musculoskeletal problems will experience symptom relief from a medically-supervised exercise walking routine.

  1. Invest in good shoes. Since these are the only expense equipment you'll need, pay attention to the fit and quality of your shoes. Shoes should fit when you try them on without any areas of pinching or pressure that could cause blisters or calluses. Wear the type of socks you'll wear when walking when you purchase your shoes, and remember that you'll likely need a larger-sized shoe than you normally wear if you plan to wear thick socks. Shoes should have good arch support and a slightly elevated heel with stiff material to support the heel when walking and prevent wobbling.

  1. Always warm up by walking at a slow or normal walking pace for five minutes before picking up the tempo of your workout.

  1. Pay attention to your heart rate and breathing. Walk at a pace that challenges you and elevates your heart rate, but don't overdo. You should be able to talk and carry on a conversation while you are exercising; if you can't, you may be working too hard.

  1. Use good walking posture. The American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons recommends maintaining the following posture when exercise walking: Swing your arms. Keep your head up, back straight and abdomen flat. Point your toes straight ahead. Take long strides, but don't strain.

  1. Consider getting a pedometer. to track the distance you've walked or the number of steps you've taken. Watching your improvement over time is a terrific source of motivation.

  1. Be sure to carry water if you're walking long distances or are excercing in hot weather. In very hot weather you may need fitness drinks or other sources of electrolytes as well.

  1. In the heat of summer, don't forget to wear a hat with a brim and to apply sunscreen. to exposed areas. Rememver that sunscreen is also advisable to be worn in the winter as 80% of the suns rays bounce off the snow.

  1. Vary your route if you're getting bored. To increase your fitness, add a route with some hills or changes in terrain. Or alternate routes on different days of the week.

  1. Keep your workout interesting. Many people walk with a buddy or in groups for support and motivation. While lots of walkers swear by their iPods to keep them going, Find the solution that keeps you moving.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Today is the Birth of this new adventure and I am very excited.

Before we begin the journey it is important to have proper equipment "Shoes". 

Tips on Picking the right shoe!

- Save the shoe shopping for the end of the day. Our feet swell during the day while we’re on them. If you try shoes on after you’ve been on your feet for a while you’ll get a more accurate fit.

- If you’re not sure how a shoe should fit properly, it’s best to find a shoe store with a salesperson that can help you find the right fit for your feet (leave a ½ inch between the tip of your big toe and the end of the shoe, and the heel should not slip up and down as you walk, that’s a blister just waiting to happen). Tell them if you have any foot problems or require any special orthotics to be worn in your shoes if so bring the orthotics with you.

- If you plan to wear socks with your shoes have a pair with you of the thickness you will most likely be wearing with the shoe type you’re looking for. If you’re use to wearing dress shoes you’ll probably find that more casual walking shoes will require you to wear a slightly larger size than you’re use to.

- Opt for shoes that are flexible, flat, and have very little flare at the heel. Twist and bend the shoes to see how flexible they are. A stiff, un-giving shoe will be just as stiff and unforgiving on your foot.

- Try several pairs of shoes on and take them for a good walk around the store. Make sure the store’s return policy will allow you to return them if you get them home and decide they aren’t as comfortable as you thought they were in the store.
- Once you’ve purchased a pair of shoes make sure you wear them prior to your walk so you know they do everything you want them to and not some things you don’t.

- Always have your feet measured while standing.

- Always try on both shoes, and walk around the store in them.

- Always buy for the larger foot; feet are seldom precisely the same size.
-Don’t rely on the size of your last pair of shoes as your feet may grow.
-Select a shoe with a leather upper, stiff heel counter, good cushioning, and flexibility at the ball of the foot.